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重庆打黑律师 如何表现独特


  In fact, lawyers play a very important role in our career and make people feel safe. Show the thing that cannot handle, can seek a lawyer, let a lawyer help to manage a problem. To illustrate a problem, lawyer is a very high - grade career, but also a strong sense of responsibility. In 2018, the new oath activity of practicing lawyers in chongqing was implemented. It fully reflects their love for their career. The oath reads: "I swear that I am a lawyer of the People's Republic of China, loyal to the constitution, to the motherland and to the people, to build the legal rights and interests of the parties, to safeguard the correct implementation of the law, to build social equity and justice, to fulfill my duties, to be diligent and dedicated, and to work hard to build a socialist country under the rule of law!"

  This is their solemn declaration, but also to express the chongqing lawyers on the body of a spirit of never give up, they are patriotic, but also love the people. In any case, lawyers are the most important part of China's society under the rule of law. Under the oath of lawyers, they are promoting the spirit of the constitution and protecting the authority of the constitution. The oath reinforced a sense of mission and honor in the profession. This is also cultivating the professional lawyer spirit of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Today we take a look at chongqing lawyer to deal with litigation have to do what are the basic procedure of the first phase of the first step must be to set the fact that this is a lawyer according to his understanding of legal knowledge before, using a certain method to organize presentation of the facts of life, it is a kind of career possibilities, given by the fact that language is a kind of can't narration of legal facts.

  The second step is to determine the relationship, which is mainly the use of a legal analysis method, will sort out the legal facts between legal subjects to implement jigsaw trial and error. Practice full contrast. Then form a legal relationship departmentalized, typified, specific, is also in the preliminary determination of the case of litigation. The third step is in the determination of willing to ask, the use of willing to ask analysis, again to determine "to whom, what". In the second stage, the fourth step is to define the norms, starting from the legal effect supporting the requirements, and applying the norms theory. From the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the formation of the right to claim and defend the system, but also to clarify the responsibility of the role, so as to facilitate the two sides to know the line of attack and defense. In the third stage, the fifth step is also the most important step. It is necessary to carry out sufficient, authentic and proper analysis of the event.

